How To Tell If Your Man Is Cheating


The Risk of Cheating Quiz


How active and aggressive is his lifestyle? Does he workout a lot? Is he really competitive? If so, this is probably a side effect of above average amounts of testosterone which is the key hormone in creating sex drive.

2.      Was he having a lot of sex and/or for a long time before he met you? If he has been sexually active all of his life, he is at a higher risk for cheating. Just because he falls in love does not mean that his drive for other women will simply disappear.

3.      How many female friends does he have? If it is more than a few, this is probably not good… Men becoming familiar with women can lead to tempting situations.

4.      Do his friends cheat? Birds of a feather flock together… If it is OK for them it may very well be OK for him.

5.      Was he exposed to cheating while growing up with his parents? This is a powerful point in his mental development. If they did it, he may feel like it is OK to do it.

6.      Has he ever cheated on another woman before you? If so, this will make it quite a bit easier to do it again.

7.      How does he feel about others who cheat? Is he OK with them doing it? If so, then it is most likely OK for him to do it as well…

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 How To Tell If Your Man Is Cheating